Tuesday 19 October 2010

Analysis Of An Existing College Magazine.

The image of the magazine denotes four individual and unique students. This shows that not everyone has to look the same at college; everyone is different and has their own style so this will relate to the target audience. They are all standing in different positions and facing different directions but still looking towards the viewer, this could mean that although they are coming from different directions in life, they are all aiming to succeed in college. The man on the right is wearing a red top and the girl in the middle is wearing a white top, this looks effective as it matches the main colours of the cover, red and white. The white title is bold and stands out, however I don’t think the font is big enough for the actual cover so for my magazine I will make my title larger so it will stand out and catch the audience’s attention. The word ‘magazine’ looks like it has been handwritten and looks effective; it is not as big as the main title so that means it is less important. The date in the top right is placed in the conventional place for magazine covers; it also matches the colour scheme of the magazine, red and white. I think the cover line is written in white to again match the colour scheme red and white. I think the line ‘Be Your Own Pet’ is really random and therefore makes you look twice and wonder what this means which will make the audience want to read more.

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