Thursday 10 February 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When creating my magazine, I used my computer and the programme Photoshop CS5 and CS4. The software makes just about anything possible and has helped me a lot. I used Photoshop to edit my photographs and text and to construct the pages. I found Photoshop easy to use as I have it at home too. I used Microsoft Word when writing my article as it is easy to use and has a spell checker. I used Google to research other magazines during the process of designing mine to help me with ideas.

For my images, I used my Olympus SLR and took the photos in the woods as I thought it was different as many magazines have just a plain background and do a shoot in the studio. The angle I took the image at was a long shot to capture the whole of the bands pose and I liked how objects where hanging off the trees. The Photoshop techniques I used were things such as ‘Stroke’ and ‘Drop Shadow’ for the title as I wanted it to stand out with a black outline so people looked at the text first. For the ‘First Edition’ text in the bottom left hand corner I used ‘Inner Shadow’, ‘Inner Glow’, ‘Outer Glow’, ‘Colour Overlay’ and ‘Stroke’. I chose all these edits as I wanted to make the text look effective and stand out contrasting against the black background.

I used Blogger to show my work and I think it is very helpful, everything is really organised and by placing my work in here I don’t have a risk of losing anything. However, it is very difficult to place text and images exactly where you want them and can be quite frustrating.

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