Thursday 10 February 2011

How did you attract/address your audience?

I addressed my target audience by using a girl band to feature as the cover story in my magazine. Their presence on the front cover should make the audience interested and want to buy the magazine as they may aspire to look like them; they are also the same age range of the target audience. I also attracted the male audience as they may find the girls in the band good looking. The colours I used throughout my magazine were black, white, pink and navy as I thought they went well together and very feminine and thought would appeal to my target audience. My double page spread also attracts my target audience as young girls would be interested and want to know about each person’s life and as I have put their signature at the bottom it makes it look quite personal. All of the articles that are listed on my contents page are designed to appeal to my target audience; for example, I have added ‘WIN TICKETS’ for next year’s V Festival as my audience would be interested in the artists that are performing there. If I was to put ‘Win tickets for Reading’ they most likely wouldn’t be interested. Also, I have added ‘STYLE OF THE WEEK’ as girls are never satisfied with their appearance so this would be very appealing to them. My research showed me that my target audience are big Rihanna and Eminem fans so her interview would be very appealing as the song they produced ‘Love the way you lie’ was a huge hit.

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