Tuesday 23 November 2010

Analysis Of Smash Hits Magazine (Front Cover)

The first magazine I am choosing to analyse is a Pop magazine. This magazine cover of ‘Smash hits’ would appeal to the younger age group as the colour used is mostly pink, this would attract young girls’ attention straight away. Also, the main image is of an attractive celebrity, ‘Preston’ who is looking straight at you. There are images of quite young and pretty girls too, this could make girls want to pick up this magazine, look at pictures and read about them as they may want to look like them. The Bar code is placed at the bottom right as it is not something the audience will not pay much attention to. The ‘New look’ is placed at the top left to show the audience that the magazine has had a new look, it is kept in quite a small font as it doesn’t want to take up too much space, if it was in a larger font, the more important features of the magazine would go unnoticed.

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