Tuesday 23 November 2010

Analysis Of Q Magazine (Contents Page)

Q mainly features indie and popular rock music. The target audience for this magazine would be late teens and younger adults as the layout of the magazine is very sophisticated. The Q contents page follows the conventions of the Q magazine front cover; the Q logo is positioned in the top left hand corner on the contents page and the front cover. The colour scheme is black, white and red, as these colours are conventional it makes it easily recognisable to fans of the magazine. There is one main image, featuring likely the most famous band in the magazine. The second image placed at the bottom in the ‘Review’ section depicts a male as ‘cool’ by the way he is dressed, posing and looks confident just like the men in the main image. The page has a special features and a regular features section, which helps divide the contents page up and making it seem less messy. The main headline is positioned at the top of the page stating that it is the ‘Contents’ Page to make it clear to the audience.

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